If you are looking for a job shop to help with producing parts or to fill gaps in your manufacturing process, you might be wondering the best way to pick the right shop for you. After all, you want to make sure that you hire a machine shop that has the capability to make your parts within spec, on time, and at a feasible price. Ordering parts from a job shop you’ve never used before carries a bit of risk. So before you send over prints and request a quote, do your homework and check out these three things.

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Does the shop have the tools and technology required to manufacture your part? Make sure you learn about the CNC machine tools and equipment the shop uses and how they run them. Confirm they have the machinists and technicians with the skills and experience necessary to reliably make your parts. If your project requires precision and accuracy (and what project doesn’t?), specify your tolerances accurately. In fact, make sure you specify any possible parameters. Also, if necessary, confirm that the shop has adequate room for assembly and storage. Be consistent and direct, leave no room for interpretation. This is the only way to ensure that in the end you are making an informed, intelligent decision.

The type of part you need impacts the machine shop you choose to partner with.


Find a machine shop with a reputation for delivering parts on time. You need to know that they have the bandwidth to handle your project. Make sure that they have the workforce required to execute your work. Personnel is one of the most important aspects of selecting a job shop because your project’s success will depend on the people assigned to your project. You will have your contact person or project managerdo they make themselves available? how well do you get along? Will you feel comfortable talking with this person on a regular basis? Communication is key to success, make sure you have a dependable path of communication to the shop.

When approaching a task as important as finding a job shop to produce your parts do your homework. Consider how the shop has performed in the past based on their reputation. Look into their actual technical abilities to produce your part. Make sure the shop has the infrastructure to reliably deliver your parts on time. Communication is key: make sure you can effectively communicate with the shop in a timely manner. Taking the time to do your due diligence in selecting a job shop will help you avoid disruptions, lost revenue, and customers.

choosing machine shop guide and tips